Sunday, January 25, 2009

Digital Hybrid - Necklace

Supplies needed:

~Metal pendant
~Digital layout (Club Scrap Digital Avant Garde Kit)
~Chain & clasp
~Glossy accents (Ranger)
~Beads (Club Scrap Avant Garde Kit)

I will begin by saying, I created this necklace at a class and used “their” glossy accents and was so disappointed in the number of bubbles. So if you don’t already know – do not shake or mess much with your bottle of your glossy accents. Doing so, creates loads of bubbles, which are practically impossible to get out once on your project. When using GA, always lay it on its side when you are not using it, this will also help reduce the number of bubbles in it – Lots of bubbles makes for kinda funny looking necklace. I, so wished, I had known I needed GA for the class, and I would have brought my own…

1. Create a digital scrapbook layout, reduce in size, and print to fit the metal pendant of your choice.

2. Add a small amount of glossy accents to the metal pendant trying to cover the entire area of the inside without putting too much adhesive in there.

3. Carefully place your mini digital layout onto the adhesive and press it into the pendant, some of the GA will start to flow up and over the layout, that is fine.

4. Add additional GA to cover the entire layout with a thin coat.

5. Add beads or charms as appropriate.

6. Let dry – will take a long time, probably over night. Add chain and any additional charms as desired.

Hope you enjoy this tutorial! Have fun!! Debbie Weller

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